Monday 17 November 2008

Try, try, try and try again: Subway

I went to Subway after work. I have been thinking about going and trying a sub again for a long while as the first time was not too bad. I really didn't feel like going but some how made myself go, I somehow reminded myself that prolonging things doesn't help!

So I went in and ordered, with a lot more confidence than my first time, a Veggie Delite sub. It was nice to know what to expect and to answer the questions (although still puzzled as to what half the options, ingredients and sauces are called let alone what they taste like) but was nice to have an answer to the questions, just simply everything on please.

I decided I was going to try it at home as usual and use the old distraction technique while trying it. Although I did make the "mistake" of trying some of the ingredients on their own (mistake in that the olive(s) were pretty strong and nearly put me off trying it any more). The olive and something similar size but different colour, which I later discovered was just a different variety of olive, were very strong and overpowering in their taste. Thankfully I did have some expectations, even if they were half what they should have been, from the last time I tried it but it did seem stronger than before. I managed to try several of the ingredients on their own or with the mayonnaise sauce, I'm still unsure if the mayonnaise is a good idea or not (still need to find out more).

I was finding it hard to pluck up the nerve to try have a proper bite, even though I have before. I decided to change what I was watching as thought better to watch something I hadn't seen before and have a better distraction. My first go at a proper bite only ended up catching bread so wasn't a problem, my second did catch the olives and unsurprisingly was quite something. I can only describe it as feeling like my mouth was on fire. Although it was unpleasant at first I did get used to it. I managed a couple more bites before stopping.

I stopped before I had a problem as the strength and different taste of the olives was still making itself felt and I have learned, the hard way, that it's always best to stop before the gagging sensation. So a successful attempt at eating a "proper" meal. I'm tasking myself to buy and try it everyday this week until I get used to or fed up of it.

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