Friday 21 November 2008

Losing safe list food(s)

I've read a few stories about people having, or worried about losing, a food on their safe to eat food list. Although I can identify with them, I've had the problem of only ever eating the same thing daily. Although I've tried many things, I've not incorporated them into my daily eating life.

I've come close, a number of times, to losing chocolate, either through changes to taste in bad batches or illness. I've managed to get through these times by eating something before or during eating the bad chocolate. What has surprised/scared (in bad and good ways) me recently has been the feeling of being unable or unwilling to eat just chocolate anymore. In a way I'm glad to have but no so before finding something that I've Incorporated into my daily eating first!

I've already lost some foods from when I was 5 or younger, I used to eat a cereal but for some unknown reason stopped around 5. Hopefully with a sustained effort it will not matter!

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