Wednesday 27 February 2008

Explaining myself to others

It's amazing how often I find I have to explain why I'm not eating (something or anything at all) to others. Some people can quickly pick up on that I've never eaten anything in front of them. The trouble is that at a previous place I worked for I only ever at Nutrigrans in front of people and so some thought that's all I could eat. Although I can eat Nutrigrans, I've never become too fond of them so only use them as my "something" to eat in front of people.

I can understand it's difficult for people who don't have SED to understand but it's harder to explain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand exactly what you mean. I've had the same problem in work and college, where only a few of my friends know how restricted my diet is.

It's great to find another site about SED... I'm 19 years old, and thought I was the only person like this until I stumbled across a picky-eating wesite. Since then, more keep appearing!
