Sunday 23 March 2008

Try, try, try and try again 2

I've recently re-started trying salads, it has been made tougher as I've bought different types, one including red cabage which has a strongish taste and although red, it turns water blue. I can eat it on its own but will have to try it a few times to get used to it properly. I've been buying ready prepared mixed salads from the shops as although I can buy and prepare a salad, I just know the amount of times I have and will need to try, will just take too much time.

Thankfully I have managed to eat a whole portion of a mixed salad containing iceberg lettuce, carrot, cabbage and cos. I have eaten lettuce and carrot separately several times but the cabbage/cos was tricky and made me gag several times. Fortunately now I've got used to the textures and flavours and so was able to finish a portion.

I have lost count of the times I have tried the above but it just shows how it can take many times to try things and get used to it.

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