Monday, 20 October 2008

First time eating in a restaurant

I had my first meal in a restaurant last week. After quite a lot of encouragement from a friend I went out to a restaurant for my first ever meal. It was very strange looking at a menu looking for something to order, specifically chose a place serving pasta as that's what I've tried at home.

The restaurant was nice and quiet so there was little pressure. There were two options I thought I'd go for. The first was Pasta with Tomato Sauce, the second was Pasta with Tomato Sauce, Chili, Red Pepper and Garlic. I went for the second option. The chili certainly had a kick but I was able to eat a enough mouthfuls to feel "full" and thankfully it went well. I did almost gag a bit at the end but it was not strong enough to not overcome. I'm almost looking forward to the next time.

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