Thursday, 7 June 2007

Catch 22

My eating is now at point where my diet, for almost 19 years since aroud age of 5, has consisted 99% of dairy milk chocolate (about 400g-500g a day) and water. There has been little or no variation up until about 1996/1997 where I started eating salt and vinegar crips. I've probably averaged about 150g a day of those since then. Although I've had the eating problem since I was very young (less than a year), I was eating a fairly healthy breakfast but stopped at around age 5 when I got sick and never went back to eating it. I've made progress since then but really its been only small compared to my goal of being able to eat out with other people in a relaxed way.

The catch 22 situation I feel is that I have not made many friends due to me being afraid of their reactions but at the same time I think I would be eating more food types if I went out with friends and encountered food in a average/normal relaxed way.

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