Thursday, 27 March 2008

An interesting theory

I was about to post a reply to a comment about a theory relating to SED but decided to post here.

I think its interesting and relevant to many people. However I don't think it relates to me personally as I don't have a problem with liking things, my problem has been a sensitivity to swallowing things. Although I've only "discovered" SED as a definition I think it covers a wide range of problems relating to eating. I think its important to work out what may be the cause of the problem, i.e. problems like Dysphagia/etc.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Attitude to other peoples' reactions

I have been amazed at how other people can seemingly not let their SED effect the life as much as it has mine. I have always hidden my eating problems away from people as much as possible. But seeing other people on Freaky Eaters or posting on websites about how they socialise and lead what appears to be closer to "normal" lives, amazes me.

After hiding my problem for so many years and being tired of stuck at home on my own I decided to start telling people about my problem. It's not been easy as there is not always a convenient time or place to properly explain things so I have had mixed reactions.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Chocolate and me

Following on from Claire's post about chocolate I thought I will explain the name of this blog. My main diet since I was around age 5 has been plain chocolate. Most days I eat nothing else, although about 9 years ago I started eating salt and vinegar pringles (crisps) after trying them for many months. Chocolate is different as I've not found anything to replace it, I eat about 400g a day and sometimes more. I don't eat anything else on a daily or even weekly basis, which is what I started this blog for, to help change that.

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Try, try, try and try again 2

I've recently re-started trying salads, it has been made tougher as I've bought different types, one including red cabage which has a strongish taste and although red, it turns water blue. I can eat it on its own but will have to try it a few times to get used to it properly. I've been buying ready prepared mixed salads from the shops as although I can buy and prepare a salad, I just know the amount of times I have and will need to try, will just take too much time.

Thankfully I have managed to eat a whole portion of a mixed salad containing iceberg lettuce, carrot, cabbage and cos. I have eaten lettuce and carrot separately several times but the cabbage/cos was tricky and made me gag several times. Fortunately now I've got used to the textures and flavours and so was able to finish a portion.

I have lost count of the times I have tried the above but it just shows how it can take many times to try things and get used to it.